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扎克伯格一直将Facebook描绘成 人在全球范围内主导社交沟通的替代方案。上个月,他向美国国会作证说,与ByteDance Ltd.的TikTok等美国科技巨头的 竞争对手正在帮助该国向世界其他地区输出反美价值观,例如政府的监督和检查制度。“我们认为,我们的产品应该在 人民手中得到保护,我们的产品已经内置了所有自由表达和个人隐私保护;不幸的是, 政府不同意。”Facebook发言人说。在2018年的证词中,首席运营官谢丽尔·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)告诉参议员,“现在不可能”以与Facebook价值观相一致的方式在 开展业务。目前尚不清楚广告商可以在 大陆定位用户多长时间,或者甚至Facebook如何记录这些观点。艾琳·凯里(Eileen Carey)是美国反在线犯罪联盟的美国研究人员,她正在调查 的广告商,他们发现阿片类药物也朝着另一个方向发展,他们在美国市场推销阿片类药物。“我很震惊地看到 是一个她在Instagram上定位购买有针对性的广告,令Instagram对 消费者产生广告兴趣的建议感到更加惊讶。”“很明显,这不是一个错误。”

Zuckerberg has always portrayed Facebook as an alternative to Chinese dominated social communication on a global scale. Last month, he testified to the US Congress that Chinese competitors with us technology giants such as tiktok of bytedance Ltd. are helping the country export anti US values to the rest of the world, such as the government's supervision and inspection system“ We believe that our products should be protected in the hands of the Chinese people, and our products have built in all the protection of free expression and personal privacy; Unfortunately, the Chinese government does not agree. " A Facebook spokesman said. In testimony in 2018, chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg told senators that it was "impossible now" to do business in China in a way consistent with Facebook values. It is not clear how long time advertisers can locate users in Chinese mainland, or even how Facebook can record these views. Eileen Carey, an American researcher with the US online crime coalition, is investigating Chinese advertisers. They find that opioids are also moving in another direction. They are promoting opioids in the US market“ I'm shocked to see that China is a place where she has targeted ads on instagram, which makes instagram even more surprised at the suggestion that Chinese consumers are interested in advertising. "“ Obviously, it's not a mistake. "


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